Wednesday, 31 March 2010

10 Reasons to Upgrade to AutoCAD 2011

AutoCAD 2011 has many new and enhanced tools to help you work more productively whether you're creating 3D conceptual designs or 2D documentation drawings.

1. Easily create, select, and display geometry based on object selection.
2. Automatically infer geometric constraints based on your drawing and editing operations.
3. Apply transparency to hatches and other drawing geometry based on object or layer.
4. Create and edit hatch objects without even access a dialog box.
5. Add and remove vertices for polylines with direct manipulation tools. No need to use PEDIT>Edit Vertex>Next>Insert!
6. Create and edit splines with powerful tools for defining control vertices or fit points.
7. Create 3D surfaces that remain associated with their defining geometry. When the defining geometry changes, the 3D surfaces update!
8. Visualise your 3D models by easily applying materials from the new Autodesk Materials Library. More than 1000 predefined materials to select from!
9. Check the continuity, curvature, and draft angle of surfaces directly in AutoCAD.
10. Attach point cloud files with up to 2 billion points to your AutoCAD drawings.

Call our sales team on 01707 258338 for more reasons to upgrade!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

AutoCAD 2011 - Video Demonstrations

Visit for 7 new demonstration videos for AutoCAD 2011.

Revision of Website

Today (25th March 2010), with the release of the Autodesk 2011 range of products, Computer Aided Business Systems have reviewed and updated their website.

We aim to offer 'less' text and 'more' graphics and video to assist you with recognising the range of products we offer from Autodesk and other leading software manufacturers within construction, visualisation and design.

The site doesn't and is unlikely to ever provide information on all the products and services that we can offer - there are simply too many, and everyone and every company operates differently. We cannot simply post a list of products, and a list of prices. That's too simplistic. Our sales consultants need to discuss your requirements, business objectives and budgets to ascertain and recommend a blend of 'off the shelf' Autodesk and other manufacturers software. Whilst integrating and advising on third party complimentary and industry specific software solutions that will assist with productivity, return on investment, business advantage and profitability.

If you have any comments and suggestions regarding the website please direct them to

Autodesk Release the 2011 Portfolio

Today (25th March 2010), Autodesk will begin to release the 2011 range of products.

Autodesk Subscription customers will receive an email direct from Autodesk informing when an applicable download is available via the Autodesk Subscription portal. The default for ALL Autodesk software delivery is via download.

If you wish to receive a 'boxed' version of your Autodesk product, update the default settings within the Autodesk Subscription portal (the Autodesk Subscription manager can only perform this task)

With the availability of your fulfilment of Autodesk 2011 products you should invest in upgrade training for all your users. Computer Aided Business Systems Ltd are offering 20% discount on upgrade training to all our Autodesk Subscription customers....... work smarter not harder get trained.

Autodesk products often require expert installation and configuration. If you require Autodesk 2011 product installation support contact our technical team to arrange on-site installation, remote installation or telephone installation assistance and advice.

Monday, 1 March 2010

AutoCAD 2007 Product Retirement

AutoCAD 2007 products retire 15th March 2010 - do not miss the opportunity to upgrade and protect your investment in Autodesk products.

After 15th March 2010 preferential upgrade pricing will no longer be available for these products:
- AutoCAD LT 2007
- AutoCAD 2007
- AutoCAD Architecture 2007
- AutoCAD Revit Architectural Suite 9
- Revit Architecture 9
- AutoCAD MEP 2007
- AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2
- AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 4
- AutoCAD Electrical 2007
- AutoCAD Map 3D 2007
- AutoCAD Civil 3D 2007
- AutoCAD Mechanical 2007
- Autodesk Inventor Professional 11
- Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems Suite 11
- Autodesk Inventor Simulations Suite 11
- Autodesk Inventor Suite 2007
- Autodesk Inventor Professional Suite 11
- AutoCAD Raster Design 2007
- Autodesk VIZ 2007

Call 01707 258338 or email for further details and costs to upgrade.