Monday, 25 January 2010

Piranesi 2010 is released

Informatix Software International and Computer Aided Business Systems are pleased to announce the release of Piranesi 2010 Pro and Piranesi 2010 Lite.

Please contact our sales team for further details on 01707 258338.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Autodesk Subscription - Late Fee Waiver Extended

Autodesk have today announced the extension of waived late renewal fees until 15th March 2010.

Late renewal of Autodesk Subscription usually carries a £60.00 per licence 'Late Renewal Fee'.

Computer Aided Business Systems are recommending that customers that opted not to renew their Autodesk Subscription contracts within the permitted +364 days of renewal take advantage of this offer.

Autodesk are changing the model for upgrades on 16th March 2010, making Autodesk Subscription more cost effective with many additional privileges.

For further details on how to 'Late Renew' contact our sales and subscription team on 01707 248338.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Promotions End Soon!

Autodesk will end the following promotions on 15th January 2010

0% Finance option
5 Months delayed payment finance option
20% Discount for AutoCAD LT 2010 single and 5 pack purchases
Autodesk Subscription 'late renewal' fees amnesty

Contact our sales team today if you wish to take advantage of these promotions.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Desktop Calendar - Have you requested yours yet?

Taking inspiration from the Autodesk printed desktop calendars, our technical team decided it would be useful to have a 'desktop' calendar in a similar format.

If you wou
ld like to receive a copy of the Computer Aided Business Systems 'Desktop' Calendar then email

Monday, 4 January 2010

RevitLIVE - Friday 15th January 2010

Computer Aided Business Systems would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

Throughout 2010 we would like to help our clients be more productive with Autodesk software.

Productivity gains can be made with the use of more efficient software and further knowledge and understanding of the software deployed.

We invite you to attend a FREE demonstration and 'test-drive' including FREE training of Autodesk Revit Architecture software, on Friday 15th January 2010.

To reserve your place visit or call 01707 258338.