Thursday, 26 November 2009

Autodesk Training Calendar 2010

The Computer Aided Business Systems training team have compiled the 2010 calendar of scheduled Autodesk approved courses for our Hatfield/Hertfordshire training suite.

If you require company specific, workshop or an alternative training for Autodesk applications please call 01707 258338 or email to discuss your requirements.

Computer Aided Business Systems trainers are consistently ranked by Autodesk in the highest echelon of UK trainers - Excellent Training comes from Excellent Trainers.

Computer Aided Business Systems trainers are not just good at the theory - apart from delivering Autodesk training courses that are regularly involved with clients on consultancy, development and implimentation studies with adds a strong practical element to their skills.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Autodesk say THANK YOU!

Computer Aided Business Systems are participating in the Autodesk Legacy Voucher campaign, to say THANK YOU to owners of Autodesk software that have lost the opportunity to purchase upgrades but are eligible for Autodesk Legacy.

Autodesk Legacy offers owners of AutoCAD Release 14 - AutoCAD 2006 the opportunity to purchase new commercial copies of the latest Autodesk release at a discount of 30% off the SRP of the full product.

Autodesk are delivering vouchers worth £500.00 to registered owners of Autodesk Legacy products - you can redeem your Autodesk £500.00 voucher with Computer Aided Business Systems until 15th January 2010.

If you have received your voucher, you will need to register it with us to activate it.

If you haven't received your voucher, and own a qualifying application, contact with details of the Autodesk application and Autodesk serial number and we will request a voucher code on your behalf.

For further details of this promotion contact 01707 258338 and speak with our sales team. Or alternatively email

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Desktop Calendar

Taking inspiration from the Autodesk printed desktop calendars that will be delivered soon, our technical team decided it would be useful to have a 'desktop' calendar in a similar format.

If you wou
ld like to receive a copy of the Computer Aided Business Systems 'Desktop' Calendar then email

Re-Activate Your Subscription

Computer Aided Business Systems are encouraging all customers that missed their Autodesk Subscription renewal within the last 364 days to re-activate them! We are waiving the ususal £60.00 per licence late renewal fee.

Autodesk Subscription is the most cost effective method of keeping your Autodesk software current. With the introduction of new upgrade pricing in March 2010 there is even more finacial reason to re-activate and maintain subscription.

Contact our sales team on 01707 258338 or email for further details and costs to re-activate!

Computer Aided Business Systems subscription customers benefit from discounted support and training services.

Monday, 16 November 2009

LanLicenser helps Software Asset Management

Computer Aided Business Systems have recently been appointed a UK Reseller, and the only Autodesk Reseller, for LanLicenser.

LanLicenser is an integrated inventory and metering solution for your computer systems. Use LanLicenser to identify and control what software is installed and where, determine what software is being used, by whom and when. Monitor, manage and report your software assets to assist with your Software Asset Management, software budgeting and software maintenance/subscription requirements.

For further details visit or speak with Mike Hall our Software Asset Management specialist on 01707 258338.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

iTshowcase Live

Computer Aided Business Systems will be exibiting with Autodesk at the MK DONS Stadium in Milton Keynes on 26th November 2009. Visit our stand for a demonstration and discussion on Autodesk software, including information on current promotions.

Please contact 01707 258338 or email to register your interest and receive details on receiving free admission.

Autodesk offer a £500 Thank You

Until 15th January 2010 Autodesk are offering a £500.00 Thank You voucher for all users/owners of discontinued products (AutoCAD R14 - 2006). Owners of discontinued products currently receive a 30% discount on a full product. Until 15th Janaury 2010 these users can redeem their £500.00 voucher for further discount.

Please contact our sales team on 01707 258338 for full terms and conditions and how to obtain your voucher.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Big News for Autodesk Upgrades

Autodesk are introducing a new, streamlined pricing model on March 16th 2010. Under Autodesk's current pricing the cost of your upgrade depends on which previous release you own (i.e. 1, 2 or 3 step upgrade). With the new model, your upgrade from any of the previous three software releases will cost 50% of the price of a new licence, no matter which release you own.

Studies indicate that customers prefer a yearly release cycle. It makes upgrading simple with a shorter learning curve.

The best way to get current and stay current is to upgrade your software and purchase and maintain Autodesk Subscription.

Contact our sales team on 01707 258338 for further details and costs.