Monday, 30 March 2009

Experience Building Winter 2009

With the recent release of Autodesk 2010 products, and the arrival of spring, Autodesk have recently released their 'Winter 2009' Experience Building quarterly magazine. Whilst we may scratch our heads at the naming of this current issue, readers will experience 52 pages of Autodesk 2010 product and releated industry information. Visit to download your version (18Mbyte) or alternative contact to request a printed version of the magazine.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Welcome Back to the Autodesk Family - Autodesk Promotion

Customers that qualify for Autodesk Legacy will receive 12 Months Autodesk Subscription FREE of charge when they purchase Legacy upgrades before 30th April 2009.
For further details and a written quotation please contact our sales team on 01707 258338

Computer Aided Business Systems - Virtual Exhibition

Version 1 of our Virtual Exhibition goes live today (26th March 2009). Showcasing the Autodesk 2010 product range, the fun application allows the user to 'wander' around in 'game like' fashion an exhibition. Select brochures from the racks, and watch video (available in Version 2). Plus we will be adding some other features to highlight the capabilities of using Vertice RealTime and 3ds Max Design. Visit to view/download the exhibition.

We welcome any comments and suggestions. Please direct these to

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Exactal Offers FREE trial of CostXL

Following the successful launch of CostXL, Exactal is now offering a free trial to all clients with CostX under a maintenance agreement.

CostXL allows users to have full access to their CostX data within Microsoft Excel, which is connected directly to the CostX database. CostXL is tightly integrated with Microsoft Excel and allows users to drag and drop measurements, workbook values, rates, constants or values from CostX. Data can also be live linked and automatically updated when changes are made in CostX.

For further details please contact our sales team on 01707 258338

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Vertice Nova

Vertice have recently released Nova 2009 (V13), adding more efficient rendering and greater compatability with Autodesk applications.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Autodesk Price Increase

As you are probably fully aware Autodesk will soon be launching exciting new 2010 versions of its software solutions. The upcoming introduction of these new versions will mean that once again Autodesk will be delivering enhanced productivity and greater competitive edge to their software users.

Due to the falling value of the pound against other currencies around the world, Autodesk will be raising the UK price of all products and subscription packages. To reduce the impact on customers Autodesk have restricted the price increase to the region of 5% across all solutions. These increases have also been held back until 1st May 2009, to enable customers to review budgets and order in advance if appropriate.

If you require any further information or a written quotation please contact the sales team on 01707 258338