Wednesday, 22 October 2008

AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2009.1 Product Update 2

Today Autodesk release product updates 32-bit and 64-bit
Download the updates

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Vertice Nova 2009 Now Available for Autodesk Revit

From just £ 1175.00+VAT you could be exploring your buildings in real time with the integration of Nova 2009 in the Revit 2009.

Nova for Revit is an export tool that allows your Revit models be exported to Nova Explorer (included), instantly recognising collisions of objects (i.e. walls) you are able to create hi-resolution visualisations, animations and independent royalty free auto-executable Nova WebPlugin and standalone files.

At a higher level you can create user interactivity within the exported file via the Action Builder (additonal cost), with special effects in order to enrich the exported models.

Contact our sales team for access to download a trial version of the software.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Autodesk Certification - Get Ahead, Get Certified

Our training team are now booking Associate and Professional Certification courses. Adding value to the assessments and examinations, our trainers will guide you through a preliminary assessment test before your attendance at one of our training centres for a practice test, pre-examination training and the final examination. The added value will provide you with the best opportunity of a high score in the examination. Our trainers cannot help you during the exam, but they can make sure you are best prepared to sit the examination.
For further details and to book you cources contact our training department today!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

AutoCAD LT joins the Autodesk Legacy Program
Users/Owners of AutoCAD LT 98-2005 can now upgrade to AutoCAD LT 2009 with Subscription as part of the Autodesk Legacy Program. Autodesk reward owners of 'retired' releases with a 30% discount off the purchase of a new commercial licence. This represents a saving of £ 345.00. Autodesk Subscription is mandatory.
The AutoCAD LT Legacy Program will be available until 31st January 2009.

Autodesk Certification
Autodesk Certification provides a cost effective skills and knowledge assessment of Autodesk software users. Gaining certification enables users to receive recognition for their experience and expertise amongst their peers and employers.

Computer Aided Business Systems can help you and colleagues gain certification through a series of tests and examinations through Autodesk Authorised Training.

Begin your route to certification with a call to our training or sales personnel - 01707 258338

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Young Architect of the Year Awards - 16th October 2008

Computer Aided Business Systems have a limited number of invitations available for the Young Architects of the Year Awards. This is a private viewing of all the entries and the unveiling of the five shortlisted for nomination.

The informal event is held on 16th October 2008 from 6:30pm-9:30pm at the Building Centre in Store Street London.

Please reserve your place before 6th October 2008 by calling 01707 258338 and speaking with Mike Hall (numbers are limited)

ECO Showcase - 8th October 2008

Computer Aided Business Systems have recently added the ECO Showcase at Twickenham Rugby Stadium on 8th October 2008 to their list of events showcasing Autodesk products and associated applications. If you would like to attend the event click here to register.