Thursday, 28 August 2008

Weekend Training

Our training diary rapidly fills, with trainers on-site and at our regional centres.

How can we offer more training days we thought? Train at the weekends was the obvious answer, and a welcome solution from clients that are just too busy during the 'working week' to take time out of their busy schedules.

The majority of Autodesk 'Essential' courses are Three Days/18 Hour courses so our scheduling time for weekends is different to standard courses.

Weekend courses are not charged at a premium, and you will receive the required 18 hours training to gain your Autodesk Training Certification. Further more our trainer will even take you to the local restaurant for 'Sunday Lunch' so you don't miss out on your home comforts.

For further details and availability please contact our training co-ordinator on 01707 258338 or email

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

AutoCAD Wishlist from AUGI
Whilst browsing the AUGI website our technical guys noticed a simple 'wish' for the next release of AutoCAD. The suggestion was to be able to draw a circle by entering a centre point and the known area.

Quite a simple request, so here is the Visual Basic code:

Sub circlearea()
Dim aCircle As AcadCircle
Dim PNT As Variant
Dim CAREA As Variant
Dim RAD As Variant
Dim pi As Double
pi = 3.14159265358979

PNT = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select centre point for circle:")
CAREA = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Area of circle:)

'calculate the required radius
RAD = Sqr(CAREA/pi)

Set aCircle = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PNT,RAD)

End Sub

If you have any suggestions or requests for routines to assist in your daily drafting and design then please contact our technical team.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Computer Aided Business Systems become VeryPC

If you are replacing your computer hardware consider a VeryPC alternative from Computer Aided Business Systems. As dealers for VeryPC we can offer you a custom built 'Green PC' specifically designed and tested for Autodesk applications.

Switching to a VeryPC GreenPC can save you electricity and help do your bit for the environment. Studies have shown that as many as 30% of home users leave their computers on all the time, office systems are likely to be left on more often. Switch to an energy efficient GreenPC and you could save as much as £ 85.00 per system, even if you continue to leave your systems running 24/7. In CO2 terms switching to a GreenPC Treeton II is equivilent to planting 13 trees.

For further details contact our sales team on 01707 258338.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Autodesk Subscription 3 Year Renewal Finance Offer
In today's financial climate, Computer Aided Business Systems are here to help and advise on solutions to enable our customers to maintain your competitive edge. Autodesk Subscription will enable your company to have the most up to date and powerful Autodesk products available to you and members of your team.

Autodesk and Computer Aided Business Systems provide '3 year' Autodesk Subscription options. Purchasing a '3 year' contract will enable you to predict and budget your Autodesk Subscription spend for the next 3 years (3 releases).

Paying for '3 years' may not be viable at the moment, so we are offering a simple method of leasing your Autodesk Subscription renewal for the next 3 years. Your renewal will be renewed for 3 years, and you will pay a fixed sum per month.

Calculate an estimate or contact our subscription sales team on 01707 258338 or
(finance figures are subject to status)

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

AutoCAD Revit Archtiecture Suite - Now includes AutoCAD Architecture

From 15th September 2008, AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite will ship as a full version of Revit Architecture 2009, AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD Architecture 2009 to be used on the same system. Autodesk Revit Architecture Suite subscription customers will also have the opportunity to receive AutoCAD Architecture 2009.

The revised AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite will allow current users of AutoCAD Architecture to cross-grade to Revit Architecture and legally have the use of AutoCAD Architecture for historic projects.

AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD users that are undecided on which Autodesk architectural route to take will have both Architectural options available to them.

For further details and a written quotation please contact our sales team on 01707 258338 or email

Thursday, 7 August 2008

FREE Revit Architecture Training/Test Drive

We have three scheduled training and test drive dates scheduled (22nd August, 26th September and 24th October). These 1/2 day events are intended to provide an overview of the Revit Architecture product, enabling you to make an informed decision on the implementation of Revit and BIM (Building Information Modelling).

Why only half a day?
We seriously believe that you can begin to work with and understand the philosophy of using Revit in such a short time. This is testament to the functionality and ease of use of Revit, and why implementation of the application WILL save you hours upon hours of design and drafting time.

Visit our events page to register your place or call 01707 258338.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Cerativity Extension for 3ds Max 2009 and 3ds Max Design 2009

Available exclusively to members of the Autodesk Subscription program, the Creativity Extension for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2009 and Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design 2009 offers a host of innovations to help you expand the scope of your film, games, and visualization projects. Add a whole new dimension of realism to your work through the addition of sophisticated particle effects, incorporate audio and sound effects into your animated scenes, and quickly and intelligently optimize highly detailed 3D models from digital sculpting applications, such as Autodesk® Mudbox™ software.

Advanced Particle Effects
Incorporate sophisticated particle effects into your scenes. PFlowAdvanced includes 12 operators new to 3ds Max Design, giving you easier access to a whole new range of creative options. The addition of the PFlowAdvanced technology to 3ds Max 2009 and 3ds Max Design 2009 not only greatly enhances the functionality of Particle Flow, but it also gives you a high-performance, streamlined workflow to access its features.

Polygon Modelling Optimisation
Reduce the number of faces on your model, quickly and intelligently. The Creativity Extension for 3ds Max 2009 and 3ds Max Design 2009 incorporates the new ProOptimiser technology, which is ideal for optimizing high-poly count 3D models from digital sculpting applications, such as Autodesk® Mudbox™ software.

Integrated Audio
Enhance your presentations with the addition of audio and sound effects. The incorporation of ProSound into the Creativity Extension for 3ds Max 2009 and 3ds Max Design 2009 means the software now supports integrated, multitrack audio to enhance your film, game, and visualization projects through the addition of high-quality audio and sound effects. This allows you to assign sounds to specific objects, and add a music track or voice-over for your presentations.

Visit the Autodesk Subscription centre to download the extension.